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All papers are peer-reviewed

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*Corresponding author

23) Jang, S., Son, J. S., Schmelz, E. A., Ryu, C. M.* (2024). Novel weapon-aided plant protection in the underground battlefield. Plant Signaling and Behavior, In press.

22) Jang, S., Kim, D., Lee, S., & Ryu, C. M.* (2024). Plant-induced bacterial gene silencing: a novel control method for bacterial wilt disease. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1411837.

21) Jang, S.*, Ishigami, K., Mergaert, P., & Kikuchi, Y.* (2024). Ingested soil bacteria breach gut epithelia and prime systemic immunity in an insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(11), e2315540121.

20) Son, J. S., Jang, S., Mathevon, N., & Ryu, C. M.* (2024). Is plant acoustic communication fact or fiction?. New Phytologist, 242(5), 1876-1880.

19) Lachat, J., Lextrait, G., Jouan, R., Boukherissa, A., Yokota, A., Jang, S., Ishigami, K., Futahashi, R., Cossard, R., Naquin, D., Costache, V., Augusto, L., Tissières, P., Biondi, E., Alunni, B., Timchenko, T., Ohbayashi, T., Kikuchi, Y.*, & Mergaert, P.* (2024). Hundreds of antimicrobial peptides create a selective barrier for insect gut symbionts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(25), e2401802121.


18) Jang, S., Choi, S. K., Zhang, H., Zhang, S.*, Ryu, C. M.*, & Kloepper, J. W.* (2023). History of a model plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium, Bacillus velezensis GB03: from isolation to commercialization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1279896.

17) Kim, W., Jang, S., Chae, N., Kim, M., Yeh, J. Y., Kim, S., & Lee, Y. M.* (2023). Hymenobacter canadensis sp. nov., isolated from freshwater of the pond in Cambridge Bay, Canada. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73(6), 005913.

16) Jang, S.*, Matsuura, Y., Ishigami, K., Mergaert, P., & Kikuchi, Y.* (2023). Symbiont coordinates stem cell proliferation, apoptosis, and morphogenesis of gut symbiotic organ in the stinkbug-Caballeronia symbiosis. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, 1071987.

15) Ishigami, K., Jang, S.*, Itoh, H., & Kikuchi, Y. (2023). Obligate gut symbiotic association with Caballeronia in the mulberry seed bug Paradieuches dissimilis (Lygaeoidea: Rhyparochromidae). Microbial Ecology, 86(2), 1307-1318.

14)  Noh, H. J., Park, Y., Yang, J., Jang, S., Lee, H., & Lee, Y. M.* (2022). Polymorphobacter megasporae sp. nov., isolated from an Antarctic lichen. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(9), 005535.

13) Sato, Y., Jang, S., Takeshita, K., Itoh, H., Koike, H., Tago, K., Hayatsu, M., Hori, T., & Kikuchi, Y.* (2021). Insecticide resistance by a host-symbiont reciprocal detoxification. Nature Communications, 12(1), 6432


Press Release (AIST)

Press Release (Hokkaido University)

12) Jang, S., Mergaert, P.*, Ohbayashi, T., Ishigami, K., Shigenobu, S., Itoh, H., & Kikuchi, Y*. (2021). Dual oxidase enables insect gut symbiosis by mediating respiratory network formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(10), e2020922118.


Press Release (AIST)

Press Release (Hokkaido University)

11) Ishigami, K., Jang, S., Itoh, H., & Kikuchi, Y. (2021). Insecticide resistance governed by gut symbiosis in a rice pest, Cletus punctiger, under laboratory conditions, Biology Letters, 17(3), 20200780.

★Selected as Cover Art

10) Jang S*& Kikuchi Y (2020). Re-opening of the symbiont sorting organ with aging in Riptortus pedestrisJournal of Asia-pacific Entomology, 23, 1089-1095.

9) Jang S, & Kikuchi Y* (2020). Impact of the insect gut microbiota on ecology, evolution, and industry. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 41, 33-39.

8) Kikuchi Y*, Ohbayashi T, Jang S, Mergaert P (2020). Burkholderia insecticola triggers midgut closure in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris to prevent secondary bacterial infections of midgut cryptsThe ISME Journal, 14, 1627-1638.

★recommended by F1000 members

7) Takeshita K, Jang S, Kikuchi Y* (2020). Complete genome sequence of Burkholderia sp. strain THE68, a bacterial symbiont isolated from midgut crypts of the seed bug Togo hemipterusMicrobiology Resource Announcements, 9, e00041-20.

6) Kim B, Jiang TT, Bae JH, Yun HS, Jang SH, Kim JH, Kim JD, Hur JH, Shibata K, Kurokawa K, Jung Y, Peschel A, Bae T, Lee BL* (2019). In Staphylococcus aureus, the particulate state of cell envelope is required for the efficient induction of host defense responsesInfection and Immunity, 87, e00674-19.

5) Itoh HJang S, Takeshita K, Ohbayashi T, Ohnishi N, Meng XY, Mitani Y, Kikuchi Y* (2019). Host-symbiont specificity determined by microbe-microbe competition in an insect gutProceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, 22673-22682.


Press Release (AIST)

Press Release (Hokkaido University)

★recommended by F1000 members

4) Lee SA‡, Jang SH, Kim BH, Shibaya T, Yoo J, Jung Y, Kawabata SI, Lee BL* (2018). Insecticidal activity of the metalloprotease AprA occurs through suppression of host cellular and humoral immunityDevelopmental and Comparative Immunology, 81, 116-126.

3) Park KEJang SH, Lee J, Lee SA, Kikuchi Y, Seo YS, Lee BL* (2018). The roles of antimicrobial peptide, rip-thanatin, in the midgut of Riptortus pedestrisDevelopmental and Comparative Immunology, 78,83-90.

2) Jang SH, Jang HA, Lee J, Kim JU, Lee SA, Park KE, Kim BH, Jo YH, Lee BL* (2017). PhaR, a negative regulator of PhaP, modulates the colonization of a Burkholderia gut symbiont in the midgut of the host insect, Riptortus pedestrisApplied and Environmental Microbiology, 83, e00459-17.

★Spotlight paper of AEM

1) Lee JB, Park KE, Lee SA, Jang SH, Eo HJ, Jang HA, Kim CH, Ohbayashi T, Matsuura Y, Kikuchi Y, Futahashi R, Fukatsu T, Lee BL* (2017). Gut symbiotic bacteria stimulate insect growth and egg production by modulating hexamerin and vitellogenin gene expressionDevelopmental and Comparative Immunology, 69, 12-22.

Japanese Paper

1) 竹下 和貴, 石神 広太, Jang Seonghan, 菊池 義智*. 2021. 共生研究のためのモデル系: ホソヘリカメムシとBurkholderiaの魅力. 日本微生物生態学会誌 36巻1号 p. 3–12.

Upcoming papers...

Jang, Kim et al., submitted.

Jung, Jang et al., submitted.

Son, Lee et al., under minor revision

Ishigami, Jang, Yoshioka et al., In prep.

Ishigami et al., In prep.

Jang, S., Mergaert, P., and Kikuchi, Y., In prep.

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