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Seonghan JANG, Ph. D​.

Infectious Disease Research Center,

Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology (KRIBB)


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Research career

2023. 02 ~ 

Infectious Disease Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology

2021. 11 - 2023. 02 

Division of Life Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute

2021. 04 - 2021. 10

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Bioproduction Research Institute, AIST Hokkaido Center

2019. 04 - 2021. 03

JSPS Research Fellowship for YoungScientist

Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University


2018. 04 - 2021. 03

Ph. D. in Applied Bioscience

Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido UniversityJAPAN

2016. 03 - 2018. 02

MS in Microbiology

Graduate School of Manufacturing Pharmacy, Pusan National University, KOREA

2010. 03 - 2016. 02

BS in Molecular & Life science

Dept. Molecular and Life Science, Hanyang University ERICAKOREA

Grants & Scholarships

1. JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow

2. JSPS Predoctoral Research Fellow (DC2)

3. Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus On the Joint Usage and Collaborative Research 


7. Poster Presentation AwardThe Korean Society of Plant pathology

6. The best poster presentation award, The 23rd Japanese Society of Evolutionary Studies.

5. Poster Presentation Award, The 65th Japanese Society of Applied Entomology & Zoology.

4. The Excellence Oral Presentation Award, The 21st Japanese Society of Evolutionary Studies.

3. The Best Oral Presentation Award, 2017 The Korean Society of Applied Entomology.

2. The Best Thesis Award, Pusan National University.

1. Academic Excellence Award, Hanyang University.


18. S Jang, H.-J Noh, SG Hong, BM Tripathi, M Kim, SC Shin, TA Pankratove, JE So, H Lee, YM Lee, Lichen microbiome of polar region are structured by mycobiont and environmental factors. 2022, The 12th Asian symposium on Microbial Ecology, Jeju island, Korea.


17. S JangRiptortus pedestris – an emerging model system for studying insect-microbe symbiotic associations, 2022, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, Korea. (Invited talk)

16. S JangHomeobox遺伝子によって調節される共生器官の驚くべき形態変化!, 2021, The 23rd Japanese Society of evolutionary studies, Online conference, Japan. 


15. S JangRiptortus pedestris- the emerging model system for studying insect-microbe symbiotic associations., 2021, The Korea Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Korea. (Invited talk)

14. S Jang, Y Kikuchi, Amazing morphological change of symbiotic organ: Homeobox gene is key!, 2021, The 65th Japanese Society of Applied Entomology & Zoology, Online conference, Japan.


13. S Jang, Bean bug: the merging model system for studying insect-microbe symbiotic associations, 2020, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. (Invited talk)

12. S Jang, Kikuchi Y, Duox determines insect gut symbiosis by stabilizing respiratory network, 2020, The 64th Japanese Society of Applied Entomology & Zoology, Nagoya, Japan.

11. S Jang. Understanding of insect-bacteria symbiosis, 2019, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. (Invited talk)

10. S Jang, Y Kikuchi, Gut commensal bacteria contribute insect's healthcare by immune enhancement., 2019, Korean Society of Applied Entomology, Pyeongchang, Korea.

9. S Jang, H Itoh, Y Kikuchi, Host-symbiont specificity determined by microbe-microbe competition in an insect gut., 2019, Korean Society of Applied Entomology, Pyeongchang, Korea.


8. S Jang, Y Kikuchi, DUOX determines insect gut symbiosis by stabilizing respiratory network., 2019, The 21st Japanese Society of evolutionary studies, Sapporo, Japan.


7. S Jang, Y Kikuchi, Gut symbionts control the respiratory network in an insect., 2019, The 63rd Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology, Tsukuba, Japan.

6. S Jang, Y Kikuchi, Dual Oxidase (Duox) as pivotal symbiosis factor in bean bug-Burkholderia symbiosis., 2018, The University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. (Invited talk)


5. S Jang, Y Kikuchi, Dual Oxidase (Duox) is pivotal to maintain the bean bug-Burkholderia gut symbiosis., 2018, The 46th Naito Conference, Sapporo, Japan.

4. SH Jang, BL Lee, PhaR protein regulates colonization of Burkholderia gut symbiont in the midgut of the host insect, Riptortus pedestris., 2017, Gordon conference: Animal-microbe symbioses, Vermont, USA.

3. SH Jang, SA Lee, BL Lee, Pseudomonas entomophila kill host insect, Riptortus pedestris, via secretion of insecticidal protein AprA., 2017, PNU-AIST Global research laboratory meeting, Busan, Korea.

2. SH Jang, PhaR, a negative regulatory protein of PhaP, modulates colonization of Burkholderia gut symbiont in the midgut of Riptortus pedestris., 2017, Korean Society of Applied Entomology, Gyeongju, Korea.

1. SH Jang, BL Lee, PhaR related with regulation of PHA surface protein affects colonization of Burkholderia gut symbiont in Riptortus host midgut., 2016, The second Asian Invertebrate Immunity Symposium, Hangzhou, China.

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